Thursday, September 30, 2010

Effective Web Designing

Most of the people think that it is visual appearance that determines a site’s success or failure but in fact it is Usability that determines site’s faith no doubt that visual appearance does have involvement in site’s success but first thing is Utility. After all it’s all about user; finally a user has to use the site and has to decide everything. So, most of the designs we do see over different websites are user-centric. Before talking about principles of web design, first take a look at how user look or interact with a website and their basic patterns of behavior.

Visitors glance at every new page and scan some of the text and normally do click at something of their interest on a website and if they don’t find it of their interest then Back button is clicked and search is continued. In all this process there may be the large parts of text at which they even do not even look at. Overall users do appreciate quality content even if a page is filled with lots of advertisements and is not well-designed then too they don’t mind reading it. Second thing to notice about them is that they don’t read they just scan the whole thing and normally they are impatient i.e. they do return if they don’t find what they were searching for or if the page takes too much of time to load. They usually follow their intuition and want to have complete control.

After having a glance at user’s behavior let’s talk about the basic rules of web design now the principles of web design are:

Rule # 1 Web Page must be obvious and self explanatory - Website’s navigation and architecture must be user friendly in all respects. A web designer’s basic objective must be to don’t let users think and eliminate question marks related with usability of the site.

Rule # 2 Keep user requirements minimal - Let user explore, discover and test your site and services without filling up long web forms and forcing them to share their private data.

Rule # 3 Attract users - Integrate images and web 2.0 elements in your website to make it more attractive. Make your website eye catching providing both static and dynamic content.

Rule # 4 Make uses of Modern web designs - Simple 1-2-3-done steps, large buttons with visual effects are definitely better as compared to simple web elements.

Rule # 5 Effective Writing - Fine-tune your writing approach to users’ preferences and browsing habits. Talk business; avoid company specific or unfamiliar technical names.

Rule # 6 Keep it simple - should be the fundamental objective of the site design. From the user point of view, the best site design option is to keep pure text without much advertisement in it.

Rule # 7 Divide the content - into digestible pieces of information to reduce the load cognitive load for the visitors as complex structures are harder to read, scan and analyze and work with it.

Rule # 8 Express yourself effectively - Follow the visible language which has three basic fundamentals as organize i.e. provide user with a clear consistent structure, economize which includes elements like simplicity, clarity, emphasis and distinctiveness and communicate i.e. match your expression with user capabilities.

Rule # 9 Conventions are not always bad - Conventional designs doesn’t result in a boring website as they reduce the learning curve and can help you gain users’ assurance and belief.

Rule # 10 Test early Test often - This so called theory hould be applied to every web design project. Testing is a repetitive process i.e. one must keep testing to produce useful results.

Visit leading Web Design Company India for unique and innovative Web Design Services at special prices.

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7 Reasons Why SEO Needed For E-Commerce Websites

Search engine optimization, commonly known as SEO, is the technique that is being currently used by almost all the websites for making themselves popular on the Internet. No website seems to be surviving well without being in the top rankings of the search engine.
When it comes to E-commerce websites, SEO plays a very important part because they are business sites and are put on the internet for generating revenue for the business people who own them.
There are many benefits that a company gets from SEO companies maintaining a top graded SEO portfolio. Seven of the most important advantages are:
  • The e-commerce websites seo are noticed by all the major search engines, such as, Google, Yahoo, and MSN on the Internet. This will make the websites get a high page ranking. Visitors usually visit websites that are in the first three or first four ranks.
  • By being in the favorable search engine rankings a huge amount of network traffic is directed to the search engine optimized e-commerce website. This will help the websites under dedicated SEO firms to be at a more advantageous position in comparison to their competitors.
  • Other means, such as the Pay-per-click method need not be resorted to, to get the e-commerce website noticed on the Internet. These are very expensive methods as the owner of the website has to pay a huge amount of money to the visitors to visit their sites and they serve benefits for a short span.
  • The advantage with search engine optimization is that it indirectly works as an Internet marketing tool for your e-commerce website. By being seo optimized your e-commerce website will constantly be in the top positions of the search engine rankings. This itself will greatly serve to increase the value of the website and draw a lot of search engine loyalists towards itself.
  • An e-commerce website SEO saves you the expenditure of advertising explicitly to draw the attention of the web surfers. You just have to know the method of getting into the good books of the search engines.
  • It is also seen that search engines act as long-term promoters for the e-commerce websites, unlike the advertising sites which publicize a website for only as long as they are paid a fee. The search engines are not like that. Your website can be on the top ranks for as long as another site does not optimize itself better than yours which can be some months if you are lucky enough.
  • Return on investment is one thing that you can bank on. You generally put up an e-commerce site to get good business. With seo you can draw a large network clientele which can eventually bring you a good ROI.
Seo services can be utilized for making your e-commerce website get top priority in the search engine rankings. Seo India is one of the leading software programming sectors that are being used for optimizing websites on the Internet. Search engine optimization done ethically can only serve you top rankings in search engines naturally for long time. Choose SEO companies that provide ethical SEO Services. These companies offer dynamic site optimization facilities also.
If you too own an e-commerce website and want to earn more revenues by being at the top pages for search engines, visit leading SEO Company India for 100% ethical SEO services and enjoy top rankings for longer. Find specialized SEO packages.

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How Professional Web Designers can improve your Web Presence?

The Internet is the new way to advertise your business and reach thousands of people a day. Unfortunately there are also other competitors that are advertising online too. A professional web design company knows how to design a web site and promote it to attract the highest number of customers.

Your Business Card and Store

The business web site acts as a business card and an online store. The appropriate web designing can project a very knowledgeable and polished web site. Just like you would hire someone to build and design a physical store and advertising campaign, so should you hire expert web designers to build and design your business web site. Without the expert look, your web site will lose clients.

Saving Time

A wise business owner will outsource web designing to save time. There is a lot to learn before effectively designing a web site including SEO, HTML, CSS, Photo Optimization, Java Script to name just a few. Most business owners do not have the time to learn all these different facets of web design quickly enough to build a professional looking web site.


With over 58,000,000 web sites on the Internet your site must stand out and attract customers that will use your business. Professional website designers will know how to design a site to suit your business needs by adding contact forms, picture galleries, FAQs, forums, and other necessary tools that are not found on pre-made templates. Expert web designers also know how to convey the correct business message using fonts, color and layout.

Finding a Web Designer

The best place to find a web designer in online. However choose a web designer that is suited to your potential clients. For example a company in India would be wise to search on the Internet for “web design company India” as professional web designers in India will know the Indian audience better than a web designer that works out of Scotland. Once you have a list of web design companies in India look through their web sites and make sure they are professional, easy to navigate and get their message across.

Hire dedicated web designers expert in website designing, graphic designing, hand sketch, table less designs and much more to give your site a professional and impressive presence online. Visit leading Web Design Company India and find your best outsourcing partner for all your web designing needs.

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5 things without which your website is incomplete

Designing or setting up a business website has never been easier. No matter how much experience you have in convincing the potential customers through verbal communication, but when it comes to design an effective website it can be the bigger challenge. The most crucial element in any website is its design and structure. It is just like having a 200 horsepower engine but without the proper chassis, it will end up nowhere. Thus, in order to ensure you have a good return from your website, make sure you take the following factors into account like:

Website usability is an important consideration in any website design. Websites are designed to be viewed by many different people and it is important that designers allow for different needs. In recent times, web standards have grown more important. Besides this, with each passing day as more browsers like IE 6+, FF 2+, Opera 9+, Safari 2+ have begun to get a strong foothold in the market. Definitely there is a need to make sure your website works on every one of them. These days, any browser worth its salt is now standard’s compliant.
Cross Browser Compatibility
It is important to understand that any website which is cross browser compatible can work better and may even show up clearer to search engines. They are more likely to have a longer shelf life. Thus, it is always a good idea to have a program on your computer that checks your website’s browser and version compatibility.

Have you ever noticed that a lot of visitor come to your website but very few of them spend time on it leading to high Bounce rate. Low loading speed of your website could be a reason. Today the life has become faster. Nobody likes to wait for service, whether it’s shopping at their favorite store or even browsing a website. You need to take the site loading factor very seriously because the time it takes to download a webpage has huge concern on usability of website.

The online visitor will surely get distracted if website takes too long to load or may even sometimes get irritated. Giving your website a fast load time is vital to your website and your online business as well. There are even some studies that has also proved that users may click away from your website if it does not load in ten seconds. Few factors like – maximizing content area, avoiding excessive use of graphics, flash and sticking to simple designs can reduce your website loading time.

It is very important to understand once again that ultimately you are making website for visitors only. You must be very clear about what the person might look or search at your site, rather than what you think looks good and attractive. Your potential customers are more likely to give more time in scrolling different web-pages of your website depending upon the prime factor that is – your web site is useful, fast, reliable and user-friendly.

There are so many things that you can do to make your website as user friendly as possible like:
  • Wherever possible always try to keep it simple and easily navigable.
  • Try to have just one or two central messages that you want to ‘push’.
  • Always create a site map. Sitemap is very essential for any business website design. It helps user to navigate your site more easily and get information easily in single click without surfing entire site.
  • Keep a ‘Search’ Feature on every page of the website.
  • In addition, today FAQ page is one of the best user friendly things you can add to your website. This is because most visitors have a few questions and answering the most frequently asked questions on your website make your job easier. Having a FAQ page is a win & win situation.
  • Place your contact details and contact form to give credibility to your website and confidence to your visitors.
If you are looking to make money through ads from your websites then believe it is going to be your major blunder. Your website is not an advertising portal so why to make use of pop-up ads. One of the prime reasons on why pop ups are a bad idea is that many visitor often find them to be intrusive.
Almost every online visitor prefers to be happily browsing on the Internet. Sudden pops up advertisement may obscure his or her view or attention. Besides this, many of them also feel these pop-ups very annoying. Moreover with the advancement of latest technology in coming days one may not be able to see pop-ups. Many people and browsers now block pop-ups. Thus you should be very careful in using pop-ups in your website design.

Looking at the present scenario, having a website for your business is the vital step in broadening your sales opportunities. Your sales may get affected depending upon how easily your site can be found on the search engines. Ultimately you need to make your website search engine friendly. Designing a search engine friendly website ensure that the website can be easily found by clients and prospects using internet search engines. Moreover, a search engine friendly website also gets more visitors-more traffic. More traffic means more eyeballs looking at your services and this in turn enable you make more money.

Ensuring that your website is search engine friendly generally consists of two key steps - the first is to get your site included in the search engine results and the second is to get the best possible rankings. Thus in order to ensure that your site get high search engine ranking or more traffic, it’s vital that you build a site structure that is easily accessible, both by search engine spiders and by real visitors to your site. Add good and fresh content to your website and make sure that your site gets regularly refreshed i.e. you add new content on regular basis.

These are few important points that you must take care while you plan to design your business website and most importantly while converting it into an HTML page. Your website should interact to customers and must create a feeling that you can cater to their needs.

These features can be included in your website while you are converting your design PSD into XHTML/HTML/CSS. Always trust experts for the conversion process who can provide you all these features in your web page.

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Planning your website? Target your customers and needs effectively

Behind every successful website factors like creativity, branding, crisp and error free content writing is obviously important, but a careful planning is another factor that cannot be overlooked. 
No matter, whether you are developing a simple online brochure or a high-budget e-commerce website, a little ground work can always be very helpful to focus your project, especially on-schedule and in-budget.  Below are some of the most valuable points, which should be taken in account before you start work on your website and look for true web solutions.

Figure out your requirements
For a successful online project or website, you must have a clear idea about its overall goals and objectives. As a result, listing specific primary objectives and needs can actually help you a lot. You should target different aspects, which can help your organization to achieve its short and long-term objectives, such as advertise a service, attract clients, report results, increase your visibility etc. 

Your website should be enough to provide complete information related to your product and services. This in turn will reduce time spend on answering phone calls, collaborate geographically-diverse associates on projects and reduce the amount of money spent on conveying information by post. Although there can be numerous objectives for the site, but prime focus should be one and targeted properly.

Identifying the target audience
Before starting a website development you must know the category of the audience you want to target. Targeting every online visitor is impossible, so the best thing you can do is to know your target audience and then target them. Below are few important categories that you can consider:

Already existing customers - Working on existing customers can always be an excellent yet challenging way to maintain reliability among your already existing customers. 

Soon-to-be customers - People who are not aware of your product or service can be a great way to enhance the establishment of your company’s credibility. A superior website can help in attracting new customers with ‘experience’ and ‘professionalism’. 

Your competitors’ customers - It is another way to enhance your business by routing people to you from your competitors. 

Experts in a specific field- If you are planning to target those customers who are experts based on particular and respective fields like engineering or teaching then your website should clearly mirror the interests and needs of those professionals. 

Apart from choosing a group you must also check for your online visitors’ age or geographical area or any of their distinguishing qualities. Considering these factors, you can aim your target customers and develop a good user-interactive website.

Figure out your customers’ need
When you are done with your target audience the next thing you should do is figure out your customers’ demands. Your online customer might be Internet savvy or even unaware of your service. Consequently, you need to determine how you should present your information of your services. In order to present information regarding your service you must take on the easiest and the most effective method. Online visitor does not like to spend their time on reading lengthy content, so keep your information simple, relevant, clear and concise.

No doubt, to build a successful website you need to work hard and put lots of effort. By following above mentioned tips you can get valuable help to make your website fruitful which in turn can help in presenting and promoting your online presence and business to different level. With these simple tips in mind you can make your website more synchronised, informative and target right customers.  

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Planning your website? Decide on best Designing & Development

Are you thinking to create a website but clueless about what point to keep in mind? Then you are on the right page. Every website is meant for individual purpose hence, the design or format of the website plays an important role. Appearance and content of the website often decides the rate of traffic. No doubt, creating attractive webpage design is the key factor, but before you go ahead it is important to take care of few important aspects. Knowing about what to look for makes your planning process easier. 

Point out your needs
If you have clear understanding of the overall goals and objectives, it means you are putting foundation of a successful online project. Your primary objective must be focused referring to your needs. Short term and long term goals must be considered like advertising services, reporting results etc. Your website should be so clear about your services that it should reduce the time taken to transfer information given on phone or by post. Flexibility of the website should ease off day-to-day activity like allowing geographically-diverse associates to collaborate on projects.
Take care of audience’s need
Your audience might not be Internet savvy and not know about the services you provide. Therefore, your website should have enough information to give out idea about your services. However, it should be simple, concise, clear and relevant for the easy understanding. So, you can promote your organisation and its service by giving a small space in your website.

Designing a website
Based on the above points, now you can focus on designing a website. Keeping these things in mind you can get an idea of what should it look like. Few are the things to be considered before staring up your work like logotype or corporate colour scheme and reflecting any existing marketing materials (if any). You can get experience from already existing websites. Referring to those websites will help to pick ideas about what to choose and what to avoid while designing. The websites you are creating should represent some qualities as an identity of that organization. Qualities may include fun, traditional, simple, casual, funky and so on depending on organization’s identity. 

Designing and developing a website means it should be easily understandable by the visitors. It should reflect your purpose and should take minimum time to get relevant information about the services you provide. Taking these things in consideration you can design and develop a successful website.

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What to look in for Web Developers?

If you are one of those business entrepreneurs who have been thinking about taking your business online, then you need to weigh your options very carefully while hiring web developers for your website. Having said this, it is also essential that your website attracts potential customers. A professional webmaster can help you in this regard by providing services that will make your website informative and interactive, thus expanding your customer base online.

Earlier business firms used to recruit full time web developers to meet their online business demand. That proved to be expensive but things have changed now. With the concept of ‘off-shoring’ or ‘out-sourcing’ you can easily delegate all development related work to other firms at a much cheaper rate.
If you want to develop your website in PHP/MySQL, then hire PHP developers India for professional and dedicated services with the best client support.

Besides the cost factor some of the other major benefits of off-shoring are as follows:
  • Most of the offshore web development companies provide specialized services that relate to design, development, web hosting, maintenance and database management of your entire website.
  • Secondly most of these companies usually provide round the clock customer service to deal with people all around the world which you will find to be very useful since you’ll have many queries initially.
  • By outsourcing the development job you can now focus more on other business related issues which do not need technical skills.
One you are convinced regarding the above advantages, all you need are some satisfying answers of the following questions before taking any final decision regarding outsourcing.
  • How much experience does the company have in developing web applications?
  • Do they have Client Testimonials and References from past experience?
  • Which tools do they use for their development process?
  • Do they develop multi Tier applications?
  • How much will you be involved in the development and maintenance of the site?
  • What are their work ethic and work timings?
  • How will the team of designers and developers communicate with you?
Many global companies have recognized the importance of outsourcing web designing and development to other business firms. They have realized that outsourcing the job can be great as long as it covers your investment and also makes sure you get what you need. At the end your goal is not only to achieve the business targets but also to develop a good reputation in the market.

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Website Redesigning- Why you need it???

Before going ahead, browse around for a few minutes and discover how many sites are there, which are looking very old and outmoded. It’s an apparent fact that all websites need continuous improvement. In this highly competitive zone, you will have to keep up with the time and in order to bring in targeted traffic to web pages and to create a better impression, website redesigning is not important, it’s a necessary part of the business of web development. Let me ask you one thing, which site would you prefer, a site with lot of information which has not been updated from the last one year or a website with a small no. of web pages but is being updated weekly. The same strategy is here with search engines. Search Engines love websites which are being updated very often. This example is only to make you aware about the importance of redesign or you can say updation of the website. Find out yourself why redesign is necessary for your website:-
  1. If your website contains a fresh look and has the potential to speed up with the latest technologies, then, you donot need website redesigning, but, if the answer is no, then this may the first reason why your website needs redesigning.
  1. Navigability may be the second reason. Find out, is your site easy to navigate through? Or, it’s just like confusion where users find it very difficult to navigate and to reach the information they’re looking for. A good redesign helps to improve the navigability of website.
  1. Attention! Don’t you, it’s for your website. Does your website is capable to grab attention?
  1. What search engines prefer; only updated websites with fresh and informative content. So, this may be another reason why your site requires modification.
  1. Look, I mean how your website is looking like? It’s having some professional look or not? It’s a fact that websites with a professional look are most liked by the visitors and also trusted by users.
  1. Speed also matters. Visitors don’t like the Home Page of any website, if it makes them to wait. They’ll easily skip that so-called “Home Page” and will get lost. Redesigning is the only solution to increase the speed as it can limit the size of pictures, and can decrease amount of videos which results in high speed.
  1. Last but the most important reason, is your website search engine friendly and is it capable to rank high in search engine results? If your answer is NO, then, website redesigning is what I’ll highly recommend to you. Because from the SEO standpoint, your URL structure may need improvements and these improvements can be done only when you redesign your website. Keywords, a new concept in this changing era that applies to re-developing websites. Keywords help to get good search engine rankings and a good SEO company can search the keywords for you and by redesigning your website (adding that keywords at appropriate places), they can let your website position on the very first page of search results.
So, above reasons are enough to clarify the requirement of website redesigning. As web designing companies, innumerous companies are also offering website re-designing services. But, from the look of many websites, it seems that these companies are just one man driven. Building and re-designing a website is a process that can be completed successfully only by the team of experienced web-designers as there’re so many phases of the process, and can’t be covered by a single person. Whom you hire to redesign your website- it’s a decision which should be taken very wisely as redesigning builds up the success in business world so why not choose the best web design company which can redesign your website vigorously to increase the no. of visitors and also the financial gain.

Tags: website redesigning,i am redesigning my website,redesigning website

How does Recession affected Web Industry - Web designing & SEO

The earning population would agree with me, if I say, each one of us must have encountered the million dollar question some time or the other in the past one year. The questions that seems to be in trend, “How’s your business doing these days?”, “What is the effect of recession on you or your business?” or “Do you still have your job?”
When one of these questions was thrown upon me. I got a lil confused and wondered how to phrase the blessing in disguise. As to be very true during this whole period we have seen “Growth”. And to answer this very question is the inspiration to write this blog and our experience.
As the news of recession started flashing in national dailies, clients started flowing in from where we expected least, some traditional companies which never thought of online marketing or SEO started talking about it. Companies started revamping their age old websites. They started talking about social networking, communities, blogs, facebook & tweeter’s. One thing was clear there was repercussion of the recession in the market.
Now when I try to look at the reasons which resulted in new clients, more SEO work, unconventional & creative designs for us, I feel, during the difficult times many companies started thinking differently and even the traditional ones became receptive to new and innovative technologies to market their products more effectively. The challenge was not only to retain the existing customers but also to get exposed to new customer base. Few companies headed by visionaries have realized the potential of online presence in times to come.
There were many companies which ignored the real benefits of internet before recession. Even after developing a standard website (most of which were of low quality compared to the actual image of the company) they could not able to capitalize on their online presence. But the tougher times brought the best out of them. I always believe “Calm seas never make skilled sailors”. And only because of recession they started exploring the power of online presence and online marketing.
This was an opportunity for us and may be for many other web consultancies, we received many enquiries from some of the most reputed companies to revamp their existing website or to design altogether a new online strategy for them. We just got a new platform to show our talent and to share our knowledge and expertise that our team has developed over years. We took the challenge head on. We knew our expertise which is web design, SEO & online marketing, but this “Time” was asking for something more important and that is “Solution”. Luckily we understood this quite early. We came across many such small and medium sized companies which just needed right direction. We started devising complete solution for our clients, consulting them with the best online strategies for their business and executing the same to prove results.

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Why do you have a website anyway?

“Every business has a website so i have one”
“I want to sell my products online”
“Its a economical marketing source”
These are the most common answers you tend to hear when you do your own little market research within businesses having a Web presence. There was a time when all you needed was contact information or maybe a few tidbits of additional information about your company. However, now many websites I have reviewed  have flashy designs, some cool graphics and even an e-commerce facility, but the question is “what results is it returning to you?”

First lets understand whether you are sure of “what your obectives are from a website?”
I think for any business measurable goals are new sales lead, boost in sales, improving communication, stronger customer relationship and/or raising brand awareness. These measurable goals do mean something to your company and help define it.
But what seems to be lacking with many websites that I have reviewed is good ‘web planning’. Remember, the Internet is not just a marketing tool - it’s a business tool as well. Just as in any other area of marketing communication - you should be thinking about how the user will engage with your website.
Even the smallest local business can utilize the power of the Internet to be more efficient and to build revenue. Once you start thinking about it, it’s easy to get excited about the potential for your site.
“Identify your target audience”. It’s time to think like your target customers. What do they want to see? What information do they need? Why are they visiting your website? If you can’t get into their mindset, organize an informal focus group and ask them what they want. It’s that easy! Let them poke around your current site and give you feedback. Usability issues can also be easily identified during this process.
You may find you need a formal usability analysis, a redesign or a few new content sections. Sometimes it’s even better to scrap the old site and start over from scratch. The important thing to build a great site is that it keeps your users in mind, it’s easier to get good links, good rankings and all around good results. Your company and your customers will benefit - and best of all - you won’t be as dependent on search engine rankings to meet your goals.

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Why do you need a website?

First, let me ask you why do you think that you don’t need a website ?
Anyways i have jotted down some reasons (believe me these are very few) for having a website. The reasons are:
  • The world is digital now! So you definitely need a presence on internet.
  • Your competition has a website.
  • Reach audiences all over the world.
  • 24 hours, 7 days and 365 days open.
  • Most cost effective marketing/communication tool.
  • Instant customer service/feedback.
  • Its something which is a must on your business card.
  1. The world is digital now! So you definitely need a presence on the Internet. Everyday millions of people surf the Internet. In India alone there are approx 6 crore (60 million) Internet users. With the amount of information available on the internet, it has become the primary source of researching information, companies, products and even people!Source: Internet world stats Estimated Internet users 1,463,632,361
  2. Your competition has a website. There are chances that a some company might be selling similar products/services who  already have an established website. If you have web presence in terms of a website for your own company, there are chances that potential customers may find you through Google or other search engines where  information is available about your product.
  3. Reach audiences all over the world. When you establish a presence on the Internet, your customer base becomes global. More and more individuals and business persons are looking at the Web for products and services. A web site is an ideal place to communicate with existing clients/customers, suppliers, prospects, and the general audience to tell them about your products or services, your mission and vision, your backgroud, how to find you etc. You can reach people anywhere, announce upcoming events, post images and get feedback at any time of the day and from all over the world. Having a website is a great way to gain customers and increase sales by selling your product online.
  4. 24 hours, 7 days and 365 days open. While you are busy working in other areas of your business, Internet users around the world are finding your website and reading about your services and products! Unlike your office building, your website is open all the time. If clients have questions about your products/services, they will be able to find the answers online. Potential customers not ready to commit may feel re-assured after reviewing your company products online or seeing testimonials from your current clients or may be by just looking at your clientele.
  5. Most cost effective marketing/communication tool. A one time paper ad costs Rs 25000- 200000! TV commercials cost Rs 100000 or more! And for other mediums you can well estimate the cost yourself. A web site will represent you, your organization and your business online. It’s an opportunity for you to publish knowledge, ideas and products to the world and become accessible to anybody and anywhere, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, that is, the web gives you a round-the-clock interactive service at a reduced expense. Can you think of any other cost effective communication medium that can do this for you??
  6. Instant customer service/feedback. The reception personnel will tell you how much time they spend on answering the same questions over and over again. There are lot of queries that customers and potential clients come up with before they finalize on partnering with you. You can post these and more on your internet page especially since it is a proven fact that business executives find it better to access information on the web rather than talking to some personnel who might/might not have the correct information .You can also get instant feedback from your users and anticipate their changing needs. Moreover, you can build a database of frequently asked questions, which you can keep on editing as per need.
  7. An e-mail address at definitely sounds more professional on a resume or business card..
  8. Its something, which is a must on your business card. To compete in this professional world it has now become essential to represent your business on the World Wide Web i.e Internet. Simply put, it adds a lot of weight to your business card. Now logically speaking, when someone hands you a business card, do you immediately pick up the phone and call them, or send a letter to the address on the card? Potential customers are on any given day more likely to visit your website and learn about your services in the comfort of their own home rather than listening to a badly timed sales pitch over the telephone.
So do you still feel that you don’t need a website?
If you have any doubts or need some assistance, please feel free to contacts us.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Make the Right Choice of Ecommerce Service Providers!

If you have decided to create an online e-commerce store for your business and have required budget and motivation, next step would be to choose right e-commerce service provider. You would like to hire professionals who can deliver quality e-commerce solutions needed by your website. It should be able to drive in the target visitors’ traffic and generate extended revenues.

But when you start searching for a good e-commerce service provider, you would come across several choices which make decision making a difficult process. Certain general tips can help you to select the best one which can do justice with your e-commerce website designing project.

There are two types of service providers, one that provides all types of solutions and other offers specific type of e-commerce service.

Hiring ecommerce company that provides specific type of service is ideal for companies who wants everything to be correct and in place. They have the required expertise in that particular area of ecommerce site development. Here if you want to get your ecommerce website designed than look for some other company who specializes in this field.

This would surely give the desired output you want for your website. But here you have to also work hard along with the specialists and take active participation in co-coordinating things. The problem is faced when working pattern of one company differs from another. Here striking balance between them is not so easy.

Hiring specific specialists can be little expensive than usual. Companies that have high budget plan can go for hiring specialists for every task of e-commerce site development and design. Companies with limited budget plan would find it very difficult to accomplish the entire project this way.

So in initial stages of e-commerce site development hiring specialists is not recommended, instead you would require them at later stages where only certain part may need special treatment.

E-commerce service providers, who provide all solutions, can offer everything you need all under one roof. This is good especially who are developing their e-commerce site for the first time and want things to be done at a faster pace. You can get your website displayed online early. In this choice you don’t have to get worried about every small issue related to e-commerce website.

You can ask them for the package price which includes specific set of services. Hence second option is much cheaper and ensures overall e-commerce site development by a single service provider.

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Why Disk Space Importance in a Web Hosting Plan ?

If you have decided to go for purchasing a web hosting plan for your website, you need to see whether it contains the basic features or not.

‘Disk space’ is one such feature that needs to be considered while hiring a web hosting service provider. In every hosting account the user is offered fixed amount of disk space used for storing files. Selection of disk space differs from one host to another. Therefore you should have clear idea as to what files and amount of files you want to store in the given disk space.

Take out the exact estimate of requirements needed for every task. Find out how much space would you need to store in your log files, web files, emails and databases. When you divide the usage pattern it becomes easy to track down the total space you should opt for.

Your plan contains web accessible files during the calculation of the disk space usage. Some hosts commit the mistake of accessing the total disk space by the number of emails and log files in their quota. This has drawback of giving idea of space needed for storing web files because emails and log files number changes over a certain period of time.

Some people may say that a web host should have all types of file storage in their quota, therefore see whether you can switch off the logs or exit any specific information. If such option is available you would save on disk space especially the site that has continuous traffic flow. Many hosting plans also offers statistics package, here you have to allow few logging to be done.

If your email settings and in boxes are included in your disk quota, it might be an idea to set the maximum size of each mailbox if it is possible. This will save you from storing too much mail on the server and inadvertently going over your limit. If the disk space quota includes email settings and in boxes than choose the maximum big size of the mailbox. This step would avoid storing excessive emails on the server, thus not exceeding the limit.

In case you include the logs, you cannot erase it from the log file unless and until the server has stopped writing on it. Logs of daily basis can be managed easily if you log in, download it and delete it regularly. You may experience problems in monthly logs if the log space requirement is not accurate and thus file cannot be deleted till month end leading to extra charges.

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Free Suggestions for Choosing Right SEO Package

Doing search engine optimization for a website is very important and mandatory if you want it to get noticed at higher page ranks and receive abundance of visitors’ traffic. There are many SEO companies who offer various customized SEO packages for websites. Here comes the most difficult task of choosing the best search engine optimization package for a business website. Internet is full of hundreds of SEO companies who provide various offers that are customized and can be molded as per customer’s requirement.

Finding companies who offer SEO packages at fixed rates and gives brilliant output is very easy. There are several service providers in the market which keeps rates competitive and balanced.

An ideal package has the ability to help your website achieve higher search engine rankings on major search engine results. They convert web traffic into site visitors which over a period of time can be converted to present customers. You can search through directories that offer information about such SEO service providers, enquire them personally about the packages they offer and evaluate your needs. This would help you in short listing the most suitable companies and ignoring the bad ones. SEO company that provides services after analyzing your business needs and your niche market can be very helpful to your company and for your business.

Misconception that one SEO package that fitted for a website and created results can also work for another. Every business has their own set of specific demands and needs to be fulfilled. Depending upon your business size, its nature of business, geographical location, target audience, budget and goals SEO package has to be decided and designed.

You should get best output from the package you take to reach the particular position you aimed for. Consult experienced SEO experts and provide them relevant information which they can use for designing customized SEO packages.

Search engine optimization is done both on-page and off-page which is included in the package. Even if you are new to the world of internet, success can be attained by hiring a good SEO company to do search engine optimization for your website.

The result of search engine optimization is not instant but it takes sometime to catch up the online market, therefore don’t believe in companies who give false claim of giving higher search engine ranking in just a fortnight. Optimizing a website and maintaining it is an on-going process, as search engines change their algorithms very often and everyday new websites are being added to World Wide Web.

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Things to look out in an Ideal Web Design Company

You must be told by every time that hire a good and reliable web design company for your website, but many people don’t know which things to be considered for making this choice. First and foremost thing is they should be reliable, professional and skilled. As they are the people who would design your website which would be responsible to introduce your business to the entire online world and medium for carrying out business activities.

Your website design company would be doing designing and development of your site. Websites are usually created from scratch which can be done in a very skilled manner. These professionals can give useful suggestions for site development and making your online presence strong. Some of these companies can also offer website management monitoring services to ensure its smooth operation.

Due to boom in website design companies and ecommerce development sites you may find many options to choose from. Selecting the most appropriate one that falls in your budget plan is the trick.

A good web design company has a team of skilled and talented website designers who have knowledge of required business skills and have accomplished many successful projects in past. Their work should speak volumes about their talent. You can go through the portfolio section of the website to know more about their previous project in detail. Information regarding good website design companies can also be accessed from renowned online internet directories.

You can either hire local web design service providers or can outsource it from other sources. Many people also go for freelancing services; hence decision depends upon your needs, convenience and budget. Whichever mode you choose they should be able to do justice to your online project.

Companies that are not located in your city can be contacted online and you can have telephonic conversation to know more about their services. You can also look out for references from your friends or relatives if they had got their site designed from a web design company and had positive experience with them. Inquire about the advanced technologies and processes they are going to use for the designing purpose and request for a free quote. Companies that combine quality with excellence can successfully encourage visitors to come to your website.

Get a confirmation from them about the time deadline for project submission. As a customer you want to hire web designer which can increase your customer base, visitors’ traffic and also products’ sales.

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Why custom web design is better than common templates?

For every business the success is dependent on its customers view points and perception. This increases the need of a customized web site and web design . If you have made up of your mind to create your company website then choose a professional company which can make a website which is a projection of your ideas and business ideology. A customized website is a complete package of the proper content and designing combination which gives the image of your company. Common templates are also available but those are not good for the search engine optimization and in turn it will not help much to achieve the business goals.

Few facts are discussed here which will help you to understand the benefits of customized web design than common templates.

Custom design gives a unique look to your website and you can also upload the data as per your requirement. You can also add the extra features.

Images play a major role to project the company’s work. Most of the customers give little time and they normally avoid reading all the written content. Relevant images will give the proper idea about your company and its work. Images and presentation of the website can influence a lot in their decision making.

You can also add your own design to optimize the site in a better way. That will help more to flourish your business.

The content quality and the uniqueness of the content also play a major role. If the content of your website is different than other sites then your site will come ahead than other sites in the same category.  Use the keyword rich content to get better results in search engine optimization.
Most of the companies are going for the custom designs so prices are very high for making of a customized websites but it helps a lot to the business. So at the last you will get more business than what you have spent.

It also gives your company a unique identity in the corporate world. Which helps a lot to make your brand value and that also affects to sales volume. With the entire positive image you can increase sales volume.

The customized website never means only look or the content but it also includes few features and functions also which are not very common on the other websites.

Custom web design is more popular and feasible solution than common templates in today’s net world with all these above discussed benefits and the facilities.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Difference Between Linux And Windows Hosting

One of the most confusing decisions someone new to web hosting will have to make is which platform their server should be on. There are a number of different choices out there but the main two are Linux and Windows web servers. There are also a lot of sources of information about hosting, but the majority of them are tainted by the author’s biased personal opinion unfortunately confusing the issue. Having just put in some solid hours researching the topic I have come to the conclusion that in general it quite probably does not matter which server you use. For the majority of people it will be far more important to choose a really good web host than to worry about the server-type that they implement.
Microsoft developed and owns the Windows operating system. Linux is open source and generally free. This means it can often be more expensive to set up and run a Windows server. However, this fact doesn’t really affect you unless you are actually setting up a server for yourself and if you’re reading this article then I’m guessing that it’s safe to assume you’re not. This article is going to offer information for those trying to decide which hosting company to go with. The cost involved in running a server does not affect the cost of a web-hosting package as much as you may think. Despite the general opinion that Windows servers are more expensive to run, buying a Windows hosting package can often turn out to be just as cheap or even cheaper than an equivalent Linux hosting package.
Some people naturally assume that because their PC runs Windows they need to buy a Windows hosting package. This isn’t true. Access to your web account will most likely be through FTP or a control panel and both servers support these methods. The main difference is that some of the FTP commands are slightly different between Linux and Windows and some FTP programs will be designed with one or the other in mind. This means you may occasionally find that when you try and get your FTP program to do something it returns an error message, but it won’t happen very often.
Your choice of server platforms should be dictated by the use to which you intend to put it. The majority of web features run fine on both platforms including PHP, mySQL, POP3 etc. If you intend to create your site using ASP, FrontPage, the .NET environment, Windows Streaming Media, Access, MSSQL, or any of the other Microsoft proprietary technologies then you probably need to use a Windows host. There is limited support for a number of these technologies in Linux, but they can be expensive and are usually lacking in features. It is probably worth considering the fact that if you use server specific technologies and then change hosts you’ll have a much harder time of it than if you use technologies that can be run on any system. Having it run generic technologies removes the need to focus on specifics and allows you to focus on the quality of service itself.
The reliability and stability of the different platforms have been the topic of many long arguments. The main reason that Windows is seen as being insecure is that it is the most widely used operating system for home PC’s. People spend more time looking for flaws in the most common system. With Linux being the most common server type, it has a surprising number of successful hack attempts made on it. In the end the security of both platforms comes down to the competency of the system administrators. If you are security minded then you’ll do better to make sure that the hosting company is reputable and highly skilled than to worry about the server they use.
In terms of performance there’s not a huge difference between the two servers. Linux reportedly performs faster because Windows (as usual) attempts to offer an ‘all in one’ package instead of the extendable Linux implementation. You’ll generally not notice a difference but if performance is of utmost importance to you then maybe this will influence your decision.
I’ve come to the conclusion that unless you are specifically using features that are unique to one platform or another your time will be much better spent looking for a really good quality host than a really good quality server. Developers are constantly improving both Linux and Windows so they should be fairly close in terms of features, security, and reliability for a long time. It’s the people implementing them that you should be basing your decision on.

What Does Unlimited Hosting Mean ?

The sky is blue and gravity pulls you down to the earth. What else do you need to know? Oh yeah, the amount of storage involved in unlimited hosting. Did you hear that? Unlimited hosting! Did you understand that? Keep reading. But what does it mean when a hosting provider gives you unlimited hosting?
Unlimited HostingUnlimited hosting definitely cannot be equated with infinity. No web host service can provide an infinite amount of storage with an infinite degree of bandwidth to an indefinite number of clients. Infinity times infinity equals, well, infinity. No server exists on the planet that can power an infinite amount of web storage or handle an infinite amount of bandwidth. Besides, an infinite amount of bandwidth does not even exist. A band can only be so wide! Unlimited cannot mean infinite.

Neither does unlimited hosting mean that any number of users can use the service, in general, or at any particular moment in time. If every member of the human race opened an account with one particular web host service, that service would immediately become limited in its hosting services. What is the limit for a service? Ask them. Ask how many clients they currently serve. Find out what their capacity is. Ask them when they last upgraded their servers. If you need a lot of bandwidth and major storage, these questions become crucial to your search for a provider that offers the unlimited hosting to meet your needs.
Be smart. Don’t let false advertising pull you into a service that is overpriced or that will not provide sufficient customer service. A company that offers unlimited hosting needs to also offer top notch service and server reliability at a reasonable and affordable cost to you. Unlimited hosting is a great service but not one that just anyone can offer.
When a provider advertises unlimited hosting, the expression can be thought of “as much as you need.” How much can be provided? “As much as you need.” How much can be offered? “As much as you need.” What does the expression unlimited hosting refer to? “As much as you need.”So the next time you see a site advertising unlimited hosting, think of it as the provider enthusiastically and without condition or hesitation offering to meet your needs, whatever they are. You can see the importance of knowing what your needs are before beginning your search. A good provider will be able to offer unlimited hosting to many, many customers, but not to 100% of every potential client seeking the service. Know what you need before you begin your search. Be confident that you have found a service to host your website sufficiently, meeting your needs in an unlimited way, before signing on the dotted line.
Remember, everything has a limit. Including unlimited hosting.