Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do you have a strong hosting username and Password?

One of the crucial yet simple ways to protect your website from getting hacked is to have a strong password for your hosting account. A strong password has:

  1. more than eight characters
  2. no dictionary words
  3. a mix of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols

Here's the diff erence between strong and week passwords:

  1. Good Password—t1U9r6K3e#Y
  2. Bad Password—sparky

Hosting account passwords are oft en assigned to you automatically and if it doesn’t meet the criteria just listed, you should change it. You can do that through your hosting control panel.

Don’t change a strong password to something simple because it’s easier for you to remember. Simpler also means simpler for hackers to break in. If you’re not sure how to make a password strong, most control
panels have a password strength indicator to guide you along.

Don’t be tempted to use the same password for both your domain management and for your hosting account. Both provide access to key components of your online presence, so why make it easy for hackers to
access both?

Something that’s oft en overlooked is the username for the hosting account. In many cases, the username is automatically generated and cannot be changed later; just as oft en, it’s far too simple, like your domain name without the extension.

If you start an online signup process and you don’t have the option to choose your username, call the hosting provider and check if you can choose your own non-obvious username.

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