Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How To Monitor Your SEO Results

Monitoring the results of your search engine optimization campaign might not be as difficult as you think. Chances are if you have done your search engine optimization correctly it is working and its success depends on how much. Everyone has a different definition of success when it comes to SEO so make sure you are dealing with apples to apples when trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Search engine marketing is a slow process that takes time so make sure you understand that results will take time as well.

Analytics: If you don’t have any analytics tracking on your website that should be the very first thing you do. We recommend Google analytics because it is free and very powerful. You can track the progress of your SEO campaign by analyzing new daily traffic numbers directly from your search marketing campaign.
Phone Calls: Has the phone started ringing a bit more at your business? If you see an uptick in phone calls coming into your business chances are your company is starting to receive more traffic which is most likely a direct result of your search engine optimization efforts you might have recently executed.
Leads: Is your website really starting to produce more leads through your lead form? If you have more leads funneling through your corporate site chances are your search engine optimization and marketing efforts are really starting to take shape. If you are looking to start search engine optimization for your website only with anticipation of seeing ROI immediately you won’t. Search engine marketing is a long term investment that takes time to see especially if you are in a slightly competitive market.
Movement: My advice is to not get greedy. If you have a website that has been sitting around far back in the search results for a very long time and you all of a sudden see movement from your search marketing efforts be happy. Every space and niche grows increasingly difficult to obtain rankings in each and every day so if you are starting to see good movement be happy about that. Don’t be angry because you are not on page one yet.
Search Results: Are the search results for your business name starting to fill up nicely? You do realize that many people search online for branded keywords before they decide to make a purchase with someone so it is important to have the search results for your business name filled up at least a few pages out if you can.
Website Activity: Has your analytics information received a jolt of power after starting your search engine marketing and SEO campaign? If your SEO is starting to work you are going to see some activity in your analytics software.
SEO is a long term process where every month you have certain elements that compound on top of each other which eventually drive power to a certain destination point which is usually a website. Everyone has different idea of what SEO success means to them or their business. Some understand that it is a long term growing process and others don’t seem to get it at all. The good thing is that your efforts will always stay visible in search results of you continue to push them out the right way.

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