Friday, October 22, 2010

Is Content King in SEO?

You are probably familiar with the term “content is king” which basically means that if you create a website with good content, you will get traffic and everything will be just fine. Many SEO experts, however, say that it’s just a myth and backlinks is what you need if you’re to get traffic from search engines.
While I definitely agree that backlinks are what decide where you rank on Google and other SEs, I disagree that content is a myth. If you look at it from purely SEO perspective in terms of ranking by any means necessary and regardless of the benefit you get from it, then yes, quality backlinks will get you there even if your website has one page and that with a sentence worth of content.
On the other hand, how much money do you think that site will make you and how long do you think you will rank high until Google catches up with you? Crappy sites are getting de-indexed regardless of backlinks, it’s just a matter of time. People will not buy anything from you and you will get pennies for ad clicks on such a site. Additionally, you can forget about natural links as people will spend but a split second on your site and will never come back, let alone link to it.
Normally, your website should have decent content if you’re genuinely selling something but this issue usually comes up with lazy affiliate marketers who are trying to pull a cheap one with Adsense or some banners.
So yes, content is king because it’s what sells and makes you money, and keeps you in the position that backlinks get you to.

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