Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is SEO in simple terms

What is SEO and how does it work? This is the question I will answer today. So if your tired of getting confused with watered down explanations or high tech babble pull up a chair and be prepared to get schooled in the simple terms of Search Engine Optimization.
SEO is Search Engine Optimization and can sound a bit technical but with a simple and clear explanation you’ll be talking tech in no time. SEO helps to promote sites and it is for this reason it’s vital to understand if you intend to make money online. The promotion process is more of a selection process, SEO determines if you meet the search criteria for items being looked for by your everyday common Internet user.

What is SEO in simple terms

What is SEO in simple terms

I provide you with a video at the bottom of this page with simple graphics, so if you learn well with visual aids check it out.
This SEO video shows you what it is in simple terms.
You may find the music annoying so just turn the volume down and watch.
They say always add music...but I often find it annoying, just a heads up!

I feel its best explained like this, you build a site or web page that you want to be found by the search engines. Search engines provide the people looking for products and services online with results. You want your information to be pulled from the pile of other sites and pages and offered to the person seeking information. The way you achieve this is by making your page or site relevant to what people are looking for.
SEO is a process by which you make your web pages more search engine friendly in order to get the much desired higher page position.
A basic fact with SEO is that you must follow the rules to get top ratings and compete with the masses. While this helps you build traffic to your sites or pages it’s not a form of advertising. SEO is the head coach or boss of all things online. This coach or boss makes sure everyone follows the rules or they don't get picked to play. You don't want to be left setting the bench, ideally you want to get in the game!

What is SEO in simple terms

Simple Fact
Your guideline for good rankings is to be certain your site or page is relevant to the search term. You've got to get yourself in front of the traffic to make money. If you really want to be in this spot you must devote time and attention to SEO details. To move forward you must understand how search engines work.
What to Know about Search Engines
  • They are not humans
  • They are text driven
  • They crawl (search) the web for content or text
  • They index, process, calculate relevancy and retrieve
  • They look for particular items, mostly text to learn what your site is about

What is SEO in simple terms

Crawl – as spiders and or bots crawl the web they go about checking out the content. This is done by software called a crawler or spider, or in Google’s case a Googlebot.
They follow links from one page to the next and index the findings. This takes a lot of time given there are around 20 billion or so sites to collect data from. It is for this reason you must be quiet and wait.
The number one complaint I hear is why haven’t I made money yet? Think about the masses out there trying to do exactly what you’re doing. Patience is a virtue and remember spiders view mostly text, not photos, videos, or product images. Content or text is KING in terms of spiders and your ranking. So the only thing that really counts to the spiders is written content and it better be good. 

Note: You do however want your site to be pleasing when the humans arrive. This is why you make it eye catching adding photo's and videos. Do give photos a title or description to help the bots understand what the image is. This step will make images relevant to the spiders and bots.

What is SEO in simple terms

Index – The next step is to index.
Once the page is indexed it is stored in a huge database, it is kept there for later reference. This identifies the words and expressions that best describe what the site or page is about in order to assign it to particular keywords. It is for this reason you should be very careful to optimize the page right so it’s put in the right category.
The spiders aren’t humans and don’t always get it right in terms of your intentions. The work of spiders is done by the content you provide. This is why proper optimization is a must.
When a search request comes in the search engines process it, compare it to the indexed pages in the database determining which information to pull by calculating the relevancy of each page per the request made. That my friend is how you get picked!

What is SEO in simple terms

Algorithms– Algorithms calculate relevancy with several different types. The different algorithms have a different common factor it looks for such as metatags, links, and keyword density. This is the reason different search engines have different results for your pages. All major search engines, Google, Yahoo, and MSN etc. change their algorithms from time to time. In order to stay on top of the search results you must also adapt your sites and pages to the updates and changes. Simply do this by updating, editing and staying current with news feeds etc.

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